Your credit card is a valuable financial tool that can help you earn rewards, build credit, and make purchases. But did you know that your credit card also comes with a variety of hidden benefits that you may not be taking advantage of? These perks can range from travel insurance and purchase protection to extended warranties and rental car insurance.
Many credit cards offer travel insurance that can protect you in case of trip cancellation, interruption, or delay. This insurance can also cover lost or damaged luggage, medical expenses incurred while traveling, and even emergency evacuation.
Some credit cards offer purchase protection that can reimburse you for covered items that are damaged or stolen within a certain period of time after purchase. This protection can be especially valuable for expensive items such as electronics and jewelry.
Many credit cards offer extended warranties on items purchased with the card. This means that you may be covered for repairs or replacements if the item breaks after the manufacturer's warranty expires.
Some credit cards offer rental car insurance that can provide primary coverage for damage or theft to a rental car. This can save you money on the high cost of rental car insurance.
Many premium credit cards offer access to airport lounges, where you can relax in comfort before your flight. These lounges typically offer amenities such as free Wi-Fi, food and drinks, and comfortable seating.
Some credit cards offer a statement credit to cover the cost of Global Entry or TSA PreCheck application fees. These programs can help you save time and hassle at the airport.
The best way to find out about your credit card's hidden benefits is to read the card's benefits guide or visit the issuer's website. You can also call the customer service number on the back of your card and ask a representative about the benefits that are available to you.
Your credit card offers more than just rewards points and cash back. By taking advantage of the hidden benefits that your card offers, you can save money, protect yourself from unexpected expenses, and make your travel experiences more enjoyable. So take some time to learn about the benefits that your credit card offers and start taking advantage of them today.
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